'Acquiring a dog, may be the only time a person gets to choose a relative.'
Photo at 1 year of age

GCH Balewaters Secret Blend Of Hawk'Ns
DOB 4/30/2012
OFA Fair Hips & OFA Elbows Normal
EIC Clear, PRA Clear By Parentage
Pure for Chocolate
Lexie was awarded her AKC Championship in June 2014 and finished her Grand Championship in December 2014.
Lexie was awarded the 2015 James Bond Award
by the Labrador Retriever Club of the Piedmont.
This award is presented to the Labrador Retriever with the most Sporting Group Placements/
Best of Breed Awards earned during the calendar year.
Sue Schultze and I had a blast with this beautiful girl. Lexie is now retired and loving life being the Queen of Balewater Labradors.

Debbie and Lexie at Potomac LRC
Lexie's Major Accomplishments
Click on the ribbon above to view Lexie's show record

Best of Breed – Asheville Kennel Club, June 8, 2014
Winner’s Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Breed – 3 point Major
Sporting Group 4 Placement
Judge: Mr. Jamie Hubbard

Best of Breed – Columbia Kennel Club, March 28, 2014
Winner’s Bitch & Best of Winners – 3 point Major
Judge: Mr. Peter A. Frost